Sunday, July 3, 2011

Setting Up Basic Authentication in Weblogic

Most of the times, it is recommended to use basic authentication mechanism for security purposes, if the SSL security can not be implemented. Here, I am going to show you the mechanism to do that in weblogic server. We need to do amendments in three areas; weblogic server, web.xml and weblogic.xml files.

Hope you enjoy the ride of it.
Create user, group and role in weblogic server.
Open weblogic admin console (home page) and go to “Security Realms” in the left panel

Create the users, groups and roles in weblogic domain
Click on myrealm link

Click on Users and Groups section

Click on New in User section

Put Name as “user”; Description as user; Password as password

Click on OK to successfully create the user

Click on Groups section to create new group

Click on New button and provide
Name: usergroup; Description: usergroup; Provider: DefaultAuthenticator
Click on OK to successfully create the usergroup.

Go on “Roles and Policies” section

Click on ‘+’ to expand the Global Roles link. Click on Roles. It will Open Global Roles Page

Click on New – Enter new role name

Provide role name as “consumer” provider name as XACMLRoleMapper (note: it is showing as a default one; don’t need to change it)

Click ‘OK’ after entering the role name, it returns back to the ‘Global Roles’ page with newly created ‘Role’

Click on “Users and Groups” tab or link as part of Navigation bar. Go to Users tab

Go to the Users section and Click on the “user” hyperlink. It opens the ‘Settings of the user-name’ screen.

Go to “Groups” section and Select the ‘uergroup’ from the Available list of Groups. Move the selected ‘uergroup’ to right list (Chosen). Click on Save

Click on “Security Realms” link and then link on myrealm and Go on ‘Roles and Policies’ tab

Click on ‘Global Roles’ + symbol – it expand as in tree-hierarchy

Click on ‘Roles’ + symbol – it expand as in tree-hierarchy

Select the Radio Button against the newly created Role (consumer), then click on ‘Edit Role’ button

Click on Add Condition button. Choose ‘Group’ as the predicate and click on Next

Choose ‘Group’ in the Predicate List and click on Next

On the next page, type the Group name as “usergroup” and click ‘Add’

Click on Finish. On the next page, select the CheckBox against the Group name and Save

Entries in web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
      xmlns="" xmlns:web=""
      id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">
      <display-name>Sample Rest Interface</display-name>
            <servlet-name>Sample Rest Interface</servlet-name>
            <servlet-name>Sample Rest Interface</servlet-name>


Changes in Weblogic.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<weblogic-web-app xmlns:wls=""


Anonymous said...

Thanks Snehanshu.. This one really helped me totally.. the biggest part is creating the global Role.. I missed it and.. see that it doesnt work..

Unknown said...

Thank you!!! This article helped me a lot.

Rajesh Bhatia said...

Many many thanks Snehanshu.. it took me 2 days to get to this link.. God bless.

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